Each year, we come up with 13 things to do during the year - 12 with 1 to grow on. These are more like fun adventures to have rather than resolutions, but we call them resolutions nonetheless. This year, we're going to track our progress and take you along for the ride!
Here we go...
1. Write 1 chapter per month
2. Play all the casino table games at a casino
3. Track 1 month of entertainment spending and contribute an equal amount the next month to charity
4. Attend a non-traditional Vanderbilt sport (other than football, basketball, baseball)
5. Go to a new MLB stadium
6. Find a favorite Nashville brunch for Saturday mornings
7. Get a wax seal for sending letters
8. Make home decor from an item purchased at an Army/Navy surplus store
9. Plan a surprise day trip for Kelly
10. Fly through the air (on something other than an airplane)
11. Start a koozie collection of 24 or more
12. Buy meat from an actual butcher shop
13. Attend a Renaissance fair
1. Read New Testament
2. Wear entire wardrobe
3. Eat at 6 Nashville food trucks
4. Get involved in charity in a way that helps career (serve on board, etc.)
5. Try new workout 6 times
6. Take Neil on surprise date
7. Look at stars through a big telescope
8. Save $80 per month for a professional camera
9. Make t-shirt quilt
10. Go to world's longest yard sale
11. Snowski
12. Drive a stick shift
13. Host fancy dinner using our wedding china
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