Monday, January 14, 2013

2013 Not Really Resolutions Resolution List

For those of you new to the our new year's to do list, we make resolutions to do 13 things that are fun, unusual, get us out of our comfort zone, or finally finish off what that nagging voice in the back of our head tells us we should be doing. Nothing boring like lose weight or become a better person for these resolutions. We started in grad school back in 2007 or so. We went online last year (we only started blogging after blogging became passe... we like to bring things back), so check out our past posts. If you're all caught up, the 2013 list is below; if you'd like to join us in completing an item or can help complete it, let us know.

1. Run a 5k
2. Organize recipe book with 12 recipes I've never cooked but come to love.
3. Join a Brentwood Baptist small group.
4. Take photo class and practice on a subject.
5. Go to a new MLB or NFL stadium.
6. Eat a city's signature food in that city.
7. Go to a berry or fruit farm and pick my own.
8. Send someone a surprise care package.
9. Create signature drinks for five of my friends based on them.
10. Take the bus for 3 days.
11. Kick a field goal.
12. Hold a baby panda bear or an exotic animal of equivalent cuteness.
13. Let Neil pick my outfits for a week.

1. Fly in a hot air baloon.
2. Perfect a homemade pretzel recipe.
3. Teach a dog a trick.
4. Get face-painted by a professional and wear it the rest of the day.
5. Go whale watching.
6. Go well watching.
 7. Grow an herb and spice garden.
8. Win something at a live auction.
9. Anonymously assist someone in need.
10. Find my favorite biscuit in Nashville.
11. Learn to throw a curve ball.
12. Drink soda socially or not at all.
13. Organize or participate in a game of Quidditch.

Well watching

Monday, January 7, 2013

A last look at 2012, by Kelly

Whew!  2012 FLEW by!  Here's a recap of how I did this year.

1. Read New Testament - Check!  The most interesting chapter for me was Revelations.  I had never read that book before and our pastor, Mike, led a sermon series at church on that chapter.  It was helpful to have his insights to help me along the way.  Although some parts are still confusing to me, the thing to take away is that God is the one on the throne.  Not just in Revelations, but still today.

2. Wear entire wardrobe - Semi-check!  I really gave this one my best effort!  Not only did it help me clean out my closet, but it also encouraged me to get a little more creative with my outfits and try some new things.  I would definitely recommend this to anyone looking for a challenge.  Just turn all the hangers in your closet the opposite way.  Once you wear an item, hang it the right way.  This way you can keep track of what you've worn (thank you pinterest).  In the end,  I have about 10-15 items that I didn't wear or give away (yet).
3. Eat at 6 Nashville food trucks - Check! Well, I ate at 5 Nashville food trucks and 1 Destin food truck, so I'm counting this one as a success!  My fav?  Grilled Cheeserie by a long shot!
4. Get involved in charity in a way that helps career (serve on board, etc.) - Check! I was recently selected to serve on the Special Olympics Young Professionals Board.  I'm excited to get more involved in the community in a way that combines my love for sports and working with kids!
5. Try new workout 6 times - Check!  I am now an expert at Ashtanga Yoga (well, as much of an expert as you can be after 6 classes).  Ashtanga is a kind of yoga where you do a lot of sun salutations and movement in your poses.  Right now, I'm working up to a headstand!  I just bought 10 more classes, so we'll see how it turns out!
6. Take Neil on surprise date - Check! This one really got down to the wire.  My mistake was thinking we could find a free weekend in the had other ideas.  So, I was left with the day before we left for Christmas.  I packed Neil a stocking full of his road trip favorites and we hit the road for Memphis.  After a quick tour of the Peabody Hotel, we grabbed a burger at Hueys.  Then, on to TUNICA!  Neil was definitely surprised!  We played some video poker and craps and didn't lose too much - so I count it as a win.
7. Look at stars through a big telescope - Check!
8. Save $80 per month for a professional camera - Check!  or should I say Click!  Here are a few pics from our beach vacation.
9. Make t-shirt quilt - I didn't make a t-shirt quilt, but I did sew curtains, pillows, and a few other things for our house.  Right now, I'm still learning how to use my machine, but I do see a quilt in the near future.
10. Go to world's longest yard sale - Check!
11. Snowski - Semi-check!
12. Drive a stick shift - Semi-check!  John Kennedy, let's choose a day and make this a reality.
13. Host fancy dinner using our wedding china - Check!  We had the Suggs over for dinner and I pulled out the china.  We started off the evening with a selection of cheeses and wines.  Then, I made a butternut squash and kale gnocchi.  I think it turned out pretty good, considering I've never cooked with butternut squash or kale before.  I appreciate the Suggs letting me try it out on them!
So, it's been a good 2012!  Who's ready for 2013?

Sunday, January 6, 2013

2012 Wrap Up (Because consistency wasn't on my list of things to do)

1. Write 1 chapter per month

COMPLETE. While job hunting after law school I started a novel. You know, because I graduated from law school so there wasn't any guarantee I would get a job. Especially at a university like I wanted. Seems some folks working in higher ed couldn't figure out why I wouldn't rather be ambulance chasing.  Ivory tower isn't what it use to be I guess. Anyway, during the entirety of my job search I only managed a prologue and a first chapter. Something about writing cover letters and proofing resumes really sucks the joy out of writing.

I've now written 13 chapters, which means this resolution is, well, in the books. The book is about kids fighting pirates. I'm hoping it will appeal to the Harry Potter crowd so I can buy a beach house. I may have to wait for the movie rights, though. Do authors make any money off books anymore? If so, J.R.R. Tolkien must be making it rain somewhere.  Do people make it rain anymore? I'd share it with you, but there's the beach house to think of. Guess you'll have to wait to buy the hard copy.

2. Play all the casino table games at a casino
COMPLETE. See earlier post. 

3. Track 1 month of entertainment spending and contribute an equal amount the next month to charity.

COMPLETE. In case you missed it, visit my Light the Night page. I spearheaded fundraising efforts and together we raised over $1300 (plus $100 I handed over to Kelly so she could participate... yeah participation!). The appeal letters I wrote are potentially worth a read. There are monkeys and Catholics and rappers spouting philosophy and sentimentality. Basically everything a good fundraising effort needs. You can find the page here.

4. Attend a non-traditional Vanderbilt sport (other than football, basketball, baseball)

FAIL. I was supposed to help Dwayne Elliott with a Vandy golf tournament, but it was the one weekend that my schedule and Bryen Sackenheim's lined up to work on the house. I didn't help with golf, but I did help put a big hole in the kitchen wall.

Bryen's backside. All rights reserved

5. Go to a new MLB stadium
COMPLETE. St. Louis Cardinals - In pictures. Perhaps with funny or informative captions.

Proof we were actually there. Versus the Pirates. Yeah, not a tough ticket

You want to know how to throw a filthy 55 mph split-finger fastball? Well it starts with warming up the elbow so you don't damage your arm. Here's look at you Chris Carpenter and Adam Wainwright

Here's the wind-up.

And the pitch. Be gone. 

Faces so blacked out it's like we're whistleblowers on 20/20.

If St. Louis every runs out of money they could always add a second arch and paint them yellow: "St. Louis, Gateway to the West, brought to you by McDonalds. Duhn-duh-duhn-duh-duh."

6. Find a favorite Nashville brunch for Saturday mornings
COMPLETE. The Southern - In pictures. And informative captions.

Welcome to the Southern in downtown Nashville. There are  no cover-bands like the Stage, it's not trailer-park themed like Paradise Park, and you can't sing karaoke underage like on Printer's Alley. Which begs the question?

"Is it really worth that big smile?"

 "Indeed it is."

7. Get a wax seal for sending letters 
COMPLETE. I will send you a letter sealed in wax by request. I'll just need a name, an address, and the first three words I should use to start the letter. 

8. Make home decor from an item purchased at an Army/Navy surplus store
COMPLETE. See prior post. 

9. Plan a surprise day trip for Kelly

COMPLETE. Chattanooga, TN - In picture. 

10. Fly through the air (on something other than an airplane)


11. Start a koozie collection of 24 or more

COMPLETE. Thanks to Darrell Phelps (CeLee's dad), Sara Stacy at Belmont, the ladies who work with Kelly, David Sims, and everyone who forgot their koozie at a tailgate who helped me build the collection. See all 24 below and vote for your favorite using the poll at the very bottom of the web page.


12. Buy meat from an actual butcher shop

COMPLETE. See prior post.

13. Attend a Renaissance fair
COMPLETE. Somewhere between here and Alabama - In pictures and video. 
Meat as big as your head should be their slogan. 

Line for the port-o-john

Liability insurance for employees who fight to the death isn't easy to get, but I'm glad it exists.